Exclusively Focused On Injury Claims

How Much Is Your Workers’ Compensation Claim Worth?

There is no simple answer to this question because there are many different factors that must be considered. The value of your claim depends largely on your unique situation, which is why guidance from a truly experienced work accident lawyer is essential.

When you receive workers’ compensation benefits in Florida, all your medical bills related to your workplace injury or illness will be covered. If you’re unable to work due to your illness or injury, you may also be entitled to one or more of the following forms of monetary compensation throughout your recovery process:

  • Temporary total disability (TTD) benefits: If you are unable to work immediately after your injury, you may be eligible for temporary total disability payments. Most of the time, these payments are equal to two-thirds of your average weekly wages, up to a maximum that changes yearly. However, some workers with severe injuries may be entitled to TTD pay that is equal to 80% of their average weekly wages.
  • Temporary partial disability (TPD) benefits: If you are able to return to restricted work duties, you may still be eligible for TBP benefits. Temporary partial disability benefits are only available when you are earning less than 80% of your average weekly wages prior to your injury.
  • Impairment income benefits (IIB): Once you reach “maximum medical improvement,” meaning that you have recovered as fully as can be expected, you may qualify for IIB. The benefits you receive will be based on an “impairment rating” as assigned by your workers’ comp doctor.
  • Permanent total disability (PTD): If you are never able to work again, these benefits must be calculated based on the specifics of your case.

In all these situations, it is extremely important to work with a lawyer who understands how to calculate the true value of your claim – and one who knows how to advocate for you at every stage for a fair amount. Insurers just want to get you off their rolls. We want you to get better.

Where Can You Turn For Help Obtaining Benefits?

Smith, Feddeler & Smith, P.A., has been in practice since 1968. Over the decades, we have helped thousands of Florida employees obtain benefits for their job-related injuries and illnesses. Five of our lawyers are board-certified in workers’ compensation law by The Florida Bar.

You Can’t Rely On Your Insurance Carrier

Insurance carriers are trying to save money, sometimes at the expense of the injured worker. They are not necessarily looking out for your best interests. Rather, they are looking to spend as little as possible on your medical bills and lost wages, usually by obtaining a premature release from your medical care.


You Can’t Rely On Your Doctor

Because the insurance carriers hire and pay the doctors they choose, they select doctors who are more likely to favor them. From our experience in dealing with more than 80,000 workers’ compensation cases in Orlando and throughout Central Florida, we know firsthand that some doctors are persuaded and influenced by the insurance carriers that pay them.

You Can’t Rely On Your Employer

Most employers are not familiar with the workers’ compensation law in Florida, and oftentimes provide injured workers with erroneous or false information out of this ignorance. In addition, employers are often afraid of having their insurance rates rise, so they fight against legitimate claims.

While you may have a good relationship with your employer, it is best to seek guidance from knowledgeable workers’ compensation attorneys who truly know this area of law.

You Can’t Rely On Your Friends And Family

Friends and family are often full of advice, but such advice may not be accurate. For example, we often have people tell us that a friend said, “If you don’t report your injury within 24 hours, your claim will be denied.” Although it is very important to report your claim right away, this information is simply false.

Even if you know someone who has recently dealt with a workers’ compensation claim or an attorney, the laws are constantly changing, and it is in your best interest to seek your own legal counsel.

You Can Rely On Smith, Feddeler & Smith, P.A. · Free Consultation

We know the workers’ compensation laws. We know the tactics that insurance companies use. We know how important it is for you to get the money and medical care you need. And we know what it takes to obtain benefits for your work-related injuries.

Let us fight on your side. Call our Lakeland office or another of our multiple Florida office locations at 863-336-6927 to set up a free consultation with one of our lawyers. You can also reach us by email.

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