Exclusively Focused On Injury Claims

Earn The Wages That You Deserve

We at Smith, Feddeler & Smith, P.A. believe a worker is worthy of his or her wages. An honest day’s work requires an honest day’s pay. Unfortunately, some employers fail to pay their employees as required by law. An employer who denies employees overtime pay or forces them to work overtime or forego meals and breaks may be violating the law.

Wage And Hour Laws: What To Know

There are state and federal laws that protect certain full-time and part-time workers. These laws apply to them both in the private and public sectors. Wage laws include factors such as:

  • Minimum wage
  • Overtime pay
  • Exempt and nonexempt status
  • Rest and meal breaks
  • Youth employment
  • Immigrant workers

Wage laws can be very complex. Not every worker is covered by them. That’s why you need a knowledgeable attorney at Smith, Feddeler & Smith, P.A. who can see how they apply to you. Our attorneys have experience representing both hourly employees and salaried professionals.

Contact Us To Uphold Your Rights

You deserve the overtime and other pay that you worked so hard to earn. Contact Smith, Feddeler & Smith, P.A. to schedule a free consultation in which a lawyer can explain your rights. To reach us, call 863-336-6927 or use our online contact form.

Smith Feddeler & Smith, P.A.

Most frequently

Labor & employment claims we handle are alongside an injury or work injury.

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