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Is violence against bus drivers currently on the rise?

On Behalf of | Mar 15, 2024 | Workers' Compensation

Working as a bus driver can be a stressful but rewarding profession. Bus drivers help keep local communities connected and provide a crucial service to people in their own neighborhoods.

Unfortunately, their job is also relatively risky. Bus drivers constantly have the risk of a crash hanging over their heads. While they may be very safety-focused on the job, other drivers can cause crashes that damage buses and injure their occupants. Bus drivers might also be at risk of violence. In fact, the potential for violence as a bus driver is more of a concern now than it was just a few years ago.

There has been a significant increase in bus driver assaults

Some people who take the bus do not follow the rules and become angry when asked to exit the vehicle or comply with expectations. Other times, someone enters the bus in a state of intoxication or mental agitation. There are many reasons why a bus driver could end up assaulted on the job.

Research into assaults targeting bus drivers at the federal level has found that the rates of such crimes increased by approximately 121% between 2008 and 2021, with dozens of assaults occurring each year. Many of those incidents occur on buses, but some also take place at transit facilities or other locations.

Bus drivers injured by an assault may require medical intervention. Assaults can cause brain injuries, broken bones and numerous other medical challenges that require time to recover and medical treatment. Thankfully, workers’ compensation benefits apply in scenarios involving workplace crime, not just workplace accidents. Bus drivers hurt by a violent assault can potentially seek benefits to replace lost wages and cover their medical care. In some cases, bus drivers may also be in a position to take legal action against the person who attacked them.

Professionals who are aware of their rights and job risks may find it easier to navigate a workers’ compensation claim. Tracking industry-specific job hazards can help professionals reduce their risk of an injury and better respond if they get hurt.
