Exclusively Focused On Injury Claims

Can my job fire me because I hired an attorney?

On Behalf of | Mar 8, 2024 | Workers' Compensation

The answer to this question is always “no.” An Employer is not legally allowed to terminate your employment because you hire an attorney. Do employers always do the right thing? Do employers always do what is legally required of them; the answer to this question is also “no.”

An Experienced Attorney Can Help Navigate Your Claim

Because we are operating in a system that is not fair or just to injured workers, you need to have a team in place that is fighting for your rights and benefits as well as protecting your employment.

It is difficult enough to navigate a workers’ compensation system that is intended to be self-executing and friendly to all parties involved. The reality is, however, that the system is very employer and insurance carrier friendly and does not have the injured workers’ interests as a priority.

In order to make sure your employment rights are protected and that you obtain all the benefits you are entitled to through workers’ compensation, having an attorney on your side is almost a requirement these days.

Your employer should not make issues for you after hiring an attorney because hiring representation to pursue workers’ compensation benefits are about obtaining an advocate for you against the insurance carrier. Contact a dedicated attorney to build your claim today.
