Exclusively Focused On Injury Claims

How your employer can protect you against the heat

On Behalf of | Aug 2, 2021 | Workers' Compensation

Florida employers are generally required to take steps to keep their workers safe from any hazards that they may encounter while working in hot environments. These steps may include working during the cooler parts of the day, allowing workers to take frequent breaks or providing water to individuals laboring outdoors.

Your body needs time to acclimate to the heat and humidity

If you have never worked in hot weather before, you may be more likely to develop symptoms of heat illness or heat stroke. If you have been away from work for several weeks or months, your body will likely need time to acclimate itself to oppressive weather conditions. Ideally, your supervisor will allow you to work shorter shifts or take additional breaks during your first few days back on the job.

Recognize the signs of heat illness or heat stroke

While your boss is responsible for keeping you safe while on the job, you also have a responsibility to monitor your health. If you stop sweating, experience excess thirst or are feeling weak, you should seek help right away. If you do fall ill while working outside, it may be possible to file a workers’ compensation claim.

A safety plan should be implemented before work starts

Your employer should have an emergency plan in place whenever employees are expected to work outdoors during periods of extreme weather conditions. For instance, a cooling station could be installed a few feet from where you are assigned to work during a given shift. Ideally, it will be equipped with water, cold towels and large fans.

An attorney may be able to ensure that you obtain the financial resources needed to recover from a workplace injury. This may be done by representing your interests during the workers’ compensation claim process. If your claim is successful, you’ll be entitled to payment of all medical bills related to the treatment of health ailments incurred while on the job.
