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How can a spinal cord injury affect you?

On Behalf of | Feb 24, 2021 | Construction Accidents, Personal Injury

After a serious construction accident, you may notice increasingly severe aches and pains from your back or neck.

Spinal cord injuries can affect not only your daily life, but your breathing and mobility as well.

Less sensitivity

According to the Mayo Clinic, many people experience a rapid change in sensation after enduring spinal trauma. From bowel and bladder control issues to losing the ability to tell the difference between hot and cold temperatures, you may struggle to sense what you could before.

Numbness in your hands or legs often accompanies these signs. You may notice a tingling feeling in your extremities, as well as further complications with everyday activities that require sensory functions.

Inability to move freely

Spinal trauma often interferes with your ability to walk and move normally. If you notice persistent pain, especially around your back or neck, take care to not further aggravate it.

Some people also report incoordination after an accident. Tripping or falling easily, as well as feeling faint or weak while walking, may be signs of a worse injury. The inability to hold your head in a natural position or turn it is another sign that the accident affected your spine.

Trouble with breathing

If your lungs feel full of secretions or you are unable to fully draw a breath in, seek medical help immediately. One of the emergency symptoms of spine trauma is the inability to breathe deeply, as well as excessive coughing.

You may notice more signs of this problem after the initial burst of adrenaline from the accident wears off. Taking careful note of what you feel can help you determine the severity of your injury.
