Exclusively Focused On Injury Claims

If I quit my job because I do not feel I am able to perform, will I still receive medical benefits?

On Behalf of | Apr 29, 2019 | Workers' Compensation

This is a question that we hear quite frequently. The short answer is that if you are injured on the job in Florida and are getting workers’ compensation benefits, you are not locked into your current employment. Regardless of your employment status, working, not working, found a different job, or are not physically able to perform your prior job, your medical benefits are legally supposed to continue with your workers’ compensation carrier.

From a lost wages standpoint, the reasonable basis behind your decision to quit your job comes into play and whether the carrier would be responsible for paying for your wages while you are still receiving workers’ compensation medical care.

Voluntarily Quit

If you quit your job, the employer may argue that you are not entitled to benefits because you “voluntarily quite your job.” However, if you can show that you left because of your work injury, the door can be opened up for your lost wage entitlement. Also, quitting your job could possible complicate your eligibility for unemployment compensation benefits in Florida.

However, regardless of your wage entitlement situation, your ability to continue to receive medical benefits and appropriate treatment for your work injuries does not change.
