Exclusively Focused On Injury Claims

Florida car crashes injure thousands each year

On Behalf of | Jul 18, 2017 | Car Accidents

Most of the time when you get into a motor vehicle, either as a passenger or a driver, you arrive at your destination safely. Every time you’re in a car, truck, van or SUV, however, you risk the possibility of getting into a serious collision with another vehicle.

Even if you drive as carefully as possible, the mistakes of another person could end up translating into injuries for you and your passengers or even a fatality. Distracted drivers can pose as much risk to others on the road as intoxicated drivers. Even a moment of negligence, caused by a ringing phone or a yelling passenger, could result in a crash.

Every year, every day, people in Florida end up involved in serious motor vehicle collisions. In 2015, the most recent year with state data available, there were 2,939 fatalities due to crashes. That means that eight people every day died due to car accidents. A staggering 159,795 people were injured in car crashes in 2015, which means that roughly 437 people get seriously injured in car accidents across the state every day. While you may drive safely and take precautions on the road, it only takes a few seconds for another driver to make a mistake that impacts you.

Car crash injuries can become quite expensive

For some people, a collision only results in a few scrapes, cuts and bruises. These lucky individuals can walk away with nothing more than a scary story to share, as well as expensive damages to their cars. For many others, however, the outcome isn’t so rosy.

Motor vehicle crashes can easily result in broken bones, soft tissue damage like strains or sprains, spinal and back injuries and head and brain injuries. Some of these injuries could persist for years, making it difficult or even impossible for the victim to return to work. Head and spinal injuries can lead to permanent disability in some cases.

Even if modern medicine can heal your injuries, thanks to surgeries, trauma care and physical therapy, you could spend thousands of dollars to recuperate. Many times, these expenses can exceed the insurance coverage of the other driver. In these situations, you will need to explore your options for compensation. Trying to protect your right to an insurance claim or lawsuit from the moment of the crash is in your best interest.

After an accident, there are certain things, like apologizing to the other driver, that could impact your ability to make an insurance claim. It’s also possible for law enforcement to make mistakes when analyzing a crash, especially if you had to move the vehicles for safety reasons after the accident.

Be careful with what you say and whom you say it to. More importantly, always seek medical treatment right away, in case you have delayed onset of symptoms. That delay is common in cases of head injuries, among others.
